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$150/day uploading Instagram pics

 sign up and earn 20$

We’re looking for people from over All world to apply to this Instagram job.

All you have to do is upload pics to the company’s Instagram account and you can pocket $150/day.

If you’re interested, you need to apply before the application deadline at midnight tonight.

Some more details about this job:

Title: $150/day uploading pics to the Instagram account of this small New York Bagel company.

Description: Download the pics they email you then upload them to their Instagram account.

Pay: Up to $150/day.

Location: Anywhere in the world, but especially people from Pakistan.

Requirements: Smartphone, tablet, or computer. Internet connection and 3+ hours per week.

Necessary Experience: None required, full training given.

If you ever wanted to break into the social media online work world, this is your best bet.
Most people have to intern for free for months, but you can start with this paid position right out of the gate.

Click the button below to apply now.

Best wishes,